Introduction and blog testing


Post Intro

Please post a brief introduction about yourself. You could include information such as what you will be teaching next fall and/or something about your summer plans.

Directions: Use Blackboard Blogs for this.  Under Course Tools you will see “Blog”.  Choose Blog and then click the entry labeled “Introduction”.  You will see blogs that have been posted. At the top in the grey bar, click “Create Blog Entry” to post your introduction.


After you’ve posted your intro, please comment on other people’s intros. 

Directions: At the bottom right, below each person’s introduction, there is a comment button.


The reason I’m asking you to do this is to try out Blogs on Blackboard.  Every week I’ll ask you to post a response about a reading or two and then post comments on other people’s paragraphs. I’d like to be sure that the Blog is an adequate tool for this task.